Clinton Millsap
Artist Statement
Since I can remember I have made marks, all kinds of marks. Utilizing any and every tool to make art. Crayons, pencils, pens, markers, paint, metal, glass, stone, photographs even written words. I spent much of my life confused as to what my work was trying to say. Attempting to discover what is it that I am trying so compulsively get out into the world through images. I only just recently discovered what “ it “ is. I simply love the act, of mark making. I appreciate each medium for what it can offer me with each individual image I’m in the mood to construct. I am always happier with the process of mark making, than I am in the result. Once the image is completed the excitement of almost getting to the top of the hill, turns into tumbling down the other side. I enjoy, watching others see what I have made. Relishing in true reactions, the mark I am making on someone. Again enjoying watching the process of someone interpreting what they see. I am a mark maker.
Artists Work
Airport @ Hansen
by Clinton Millsap Houston